Geotechnical studies of conception AVP-PRO-DCE/ACT (G2)


This mission permits the project elaboration of geotechnical works and reduces the consequences of important geological risks identified. It is paid by the client or his representative and it is realized with the project management collaboration or integrated to it.
It comprises three phases:
Preliminary Project Phase (AVP)
It is realized at the preliminary project level of the project management and is obligatory based on adapted geotechnical data.
- To define, if needed, a specific geotechnical investigation program, to realize it or to ensure the technical monitoring, use the results.
- To provide a report giving geotechnical possibilities to take into account in the preliminary project level, the possible construction principle (excavation work, retaining structure, foundation, paving and roads base, slopes and embankments, soils improvement, general provision in relation to groundwater and around), a dimensional sketch by geotechnical work type and the pertinence of the observational method application for a better geotechnical risks control.

Project Phase (PRO)
It is realized at the project level of the project management and is obligatory based on adapted geotechnical data enough representative for the site.
- To define, if needed, a specific geotechnical investigation program, to realize it or to ensure the technical monitoring, use the results.
- To provide a report giving geotechnical possibilities to take into account in the project level (especially the mechanical characteristics of geotechnical parameters), technical notes giving constructive choices of geotechnical work (excavation work, retaining structure, foundations, slopes and embankments, soils improvement, paving and roads base, general provision in relation to groundwater and around), sizing calculation notes, an opinion on threshold values and a quantity approach.

Tender Document (DCE) / Support in contracting for construction (ACT) Phase
It is realized to finalize the tender document and support the contractor for the work contract establishment with the contractor chosen for geotechnical work.
- To create or participate in the drafting of technical documents needed and necessary for companies consultation for their geotechnical work realisation studies (Project phase files with plans, specification sheets, technical specifications, price and estimated list, provisional schedule).
- To assist, possibly, the contractor to select companies, analyse technical offers, participate to the finalisation of technical pieces of work contract.

Our professional commitments
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Preliminary studies - G1 (ES - PGC)
Design Studies - G2 (AVP - PRO - DCE/ACT)
Studies of realization - G3 (study phase - monitoring phase)
Geotechnical supervision of execution - G4
Diagnosis - G5
Geotechnical buildings | Civil engineering
Highways | earthwork
Renewables - wind turbines | Photovoltaic
Geophysical study
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© Groupe ALIOS 2025